Unlock 30A
Brand Identity, Packaging, Product Design & Silkscreen
Unlock 30A is an apparel company that draws inspiration from the vibrant communities along Scenic Highway 30A in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. A series of T-shirt designs link to each of the 12 communities along the vacation destination in the Florida Panhandle, yet their distinct characteristics remain concealed. It is within these nuances—the hints of logos, landmarks, and more—that the audience must search to uncover the identity of each area, creating a sense of community among the audience. A final abstracted chain bridge emerges once all designs are collected: a symbolic incentive for the audience to dive deeper into the design of each piece.
Highway 30a was once fragmented by lakes, but with the construction of bridges, it evolved into a cohesive community hub. The ultimate design echoes this interconnectedness inherent in the region, as well as the mission of my brand—to unlock the characteristics that link this area together.